Part 69: New Queen's Campaign
After the night comes another morning, much as we've come to expect. (music)
Everyone important gathers in the war room...

"Kyle I swear to fuck if that was your snoring keeping me up all night"

As you can tell from the comments in the thread, absolutely no one is buying this shit since we just got the stone slab that says we're 30 stars short. (Also we're like level 40+ and everyone knows you don't end a Suikoden game until everyone's in the high fifties at least.)

Don't I get the customary one-choice dialogue box here?!

...apparently not.

Some asshole has re-arranged all my dudes again, including putting all the people I don't want in Roy's unit, in Roy's unit. (war music / alternative)

I mean, him being B rank is kinda impressive, but still, fuck that setup. Anyway, this is a land battle so no beavers. Looks like the people chosen for the squads can't participate, so we're missing some useful people. Shoulda brought another archer... oh well, not like it's gonna be a challenge, right?

Come at me, br... uh, sis!

Lym actually won't come at us though; we'll have to come to her.

Lym is so cool

As soon as there's an opening, strike at the base -- where the Princess is!
Lucretia may say "strike" but we aren't supposed to actually attack her. (I hear she's plot invincible even if we did, for some reason, try to murder the little girl we're here to save.) Instead, the goal is to get Roy's unit near Lym's. That also means that if he dies, it's game over because then you no longer have a Roy to put near Lym and thus no way to win.
We'll still want to wipe out most of the pesky enemies before we get there, though.

Lym is no slouch! Alenihak are sitting next to her, also A-rank with no skills, but they're infantry units instead of archers.
There are also two each of arch/cav/inf units and both archers are Barrage assholes. They have two charges, even! Fuck.
Every enemy here aside from the Queen and bodyguards is B-ranked. Although there aren't too many of them, they are quite powerful - and better than some of the characters you have access to. Definitely the toughest opposition so far, and they could potentially fuck you up if you don't pay attention.

I always pay attention.

The enemy starts by moving out straight from their starting positions, then stop a ways away from Lym. They will then remain in position until you get close enough to get their attention.
I may not have mentioned it before, but on the minimap, highlighted units are currently moving, while darkened ones are stationary.

Apparently the ballista doesn't count as a real archer because we don't get a weapon advantage against cavalry with it. Kinda sucks, although the range can still be worth it. This takes off 45 HP, which is... all right, I suppose.


Lots of catapult usage, but at least we got loot.

Speaking of which, Talgeyl comes with a Mother Earth spell, which we haven't had a chance to use before. (Alhazred adds a second charge.)

It may not be very flashy, but it takes off 30% of MHP, so 60 damage against these losers, regardless of their current HP. Good, though strictly inferior to Cyclone.

Not the greatest thing in the world, but I'll take it.

fffffff barrage

...they never used the second charge. Weird!

Ernst and Norma make for a phenomenal support unit. Four recovers! I like Recover better than Flowing, since you're less likely to waste part of it. Ideal Flowing use would be a unit with like, one dude left. Which is not really going to happen.

Is he drunk or is he sober?

He does his job, regardless. (Second archer unit never used Barrage at all. If I didn't know better, I'd say they were trying to lose.)

Last mook down.

Which means Roy can just waltz up and do his thing.
Now, you may have noticed how I left Zahak and Alenia alive.

Beating them is possible (and not even too hard since they have no skills) but they'll just sit there until you get right in their faces and it doesn't get you anything even if you do beat them.

I would have taken the time to do it anyway, except we're about to kick their behinds up close and personal, so I didn't care.

Leaving the knights alive doesn't even affect the V+. Easy peasy.

Time to charge blindly in! This music plays through all these scenes.

Throw down your weapons!
HELLO ALENIA ready for round two? I won't even cheese you with Circle Formation this time!

Roy is definitely trying his best.

Alenia falls for it

And man, I had this great party setup to deal with her and then...

...Belcoot decided to Falcon crit her and ended the battle in one move.

A bit strange that it's just her mooks on the ground after it ends.

She and Roy run at each other as the screen fades...

...and we cut to our next target for the day.
Soldier: Sir Zahak! What's the matter?

Get back! Hurry!
Soldier: Huh?!

???: Wow, not gettin' anything by you, is there?

Kyle is actually pretty cool when he's being serious.

This battle took longer since this party spreads the damage out a lot more. I figured I might as well show off some pyrotechnics.

Scorched Earth

...except the damage is kinda pathetic, and this is with Magical Runes and S ranks in the component elements. Viki's Final Flame alone hits generic mooks for nearly 2000 damage. Stack Earthquake (base 800 dmg) on top of that and, well. (Also it'd only need a third level spell from Levi, not a fourth level one.)

Still, Zahak doesn't last much longer.

The two clash again... we cut to the Prince's party.


Everyone runs north.

He is the last of the knights.

We'll have to go through him.

I don't have time for games.


It is not a battle we want to fight, but one we must. (music)

Between Frey and his bodyguards, Galleon does not get a turn. This is the only proper battle here; we must also defeat his underlings. But with the entire family beating on them, they soon fall.

(no music)

???: That's enough, Galleon!

Stand down, now!


If you don't stop... you'll make me cry, too! Oh, I knew you'd come! I knew it! I love you all so much!


(no music)


Please take a look at Lyon's wounds, quickly!
